How To Keep It Cool When You Really Like Someone: Eliminate Chances Of Dating Fails

How To Keep It Cool When You Really Like Someone: Eliminate Chances Of Dating Fails

How To Keep It Cool When You Really Like Someone: Eliminate Chances Of Dating Fails

Avoid dating fails at all cost

When you meet someone you really like, staying cool can become a huge challenge. But if you don't stay cool, you might end up scaring them off for good — which would be horrible. If you want to lock in your chances of dating a girl you met on an online dating platform, you need to stop obsessing over her, and start avoiding dating fails at all cost. Dating fails can happen to anyone, but they usually only occur to people who are feeling extra nervous. If you are feeling nervous because you really like the person you're casually dating, you need to relax and start focusing your attention on eliminating any dating fail possibilities. Dating fails can be a variety of different things; you can trip, say something embarrassing, run into an ex, be too sarcastic, come off as rude, and many more. If you want to avoid messing up your chances, you need to learn how to relax and enjoy yourself without thinking too much about it.

How keeping it cool can get you a second date

If you met up with someone from the online world and got blown away by their beauty, body and soul, you might need to start keeping it cool if you don't want to blow your chances. Getting feelings for someone can happen within seconds, but so can messing things up, so if you really like someone you might want to keep it to yourself until they start to feel the same. If you want to land a second date you need to have an excellent first one, which is only possible if your date feels like there was a connection between the two of you worth exploring. To make sure that she thinks so, don't be too pushy with her and try to act as normal as possible. By keeping your cool, you will make sure that your chances are still alive by the end of your night, and you can hopefully get her to agree to a second date.

Win them over by having good sex

Meeting someone from a dating site usually revolves around hooking up, but this can change from time to time, depending on who you meet. You might have signed up to an online dating website to meet new singles, get out of your comfort zone, and have good sex, but now that you met someone you really like, everything feels different and slightly more messy. If you want to win your casual sex partner over, you need to use what you have against her. Since you are having sex with her, you already have the perfect grounds for getting her hooked on your loving. Try winning her over by giving her good sex, if the sex is good, she'll keep coming back, and you'll have better chances at getting to know her intimately. By having good sex together, you are building trust and intimacy between the two of you. This can lead to bigger and better things, resulting in you landing the girl.

Don't text them everyday

If there is one thing women and men hate, it's getting bombarded with texts from an overbearing lover. If you don't want to ruin your chances, you need to make sure that you always float right beneath the annoyance radar. Even if you feel like the girl you're sleeping with has feelings for you, don't text her every single day. By not texting her everyday, you will start to make her feel excited to hear from you, and if you let two or even three days go by without texting her, you might be surprised to see her texting you. If you really like someone and don't want to blow your chances with them, you need to make them feel like they are in control at all times. If you start obsessing over them, wanting to know where they are, wanting to see them, and texting them 24/7, you will start seeing your chances blow up in flames.

Don't push for commitment

If you met someone you really like, you might feel the need to start locking down your relationship. However, this might actually be a really bad idea. The best thing you can do to stop a relationship before it starts is to push for commitment. When you push for commitment, you are actually pushing your partner away from you, especially if you're still in the dating phase of your relationship. Take things slow and try not to make your partner feel like they are trapped. If you manage to keep your cool throughout the beginning stages of your relationship, you might find yourself dating the woman of your dreams.